DH2 Calculator

Created by TUKIB

Reddit Page: Diamond Hunt 2 Calculator
Upcoming features and bug reports: DH2Calc Trello

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Some values may not be entirely correct (ie stardust or time), because of division and rounding errors.
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Bronze Iron Silver Gold
Ingots Needed 0 0 0 0
Basic Sapphire Emerald Ruby Diamond
Stardust Needed 0 0 0 0 0
0/0 (0 left)


Stone Tin/Copper Iron Silver Gold Quartz Marble
Ores Needed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Basic Sapphire Emerald Ruby Diamond
Stardust Needed 0 0 0 0 0
0/0 (0 left)


Potion Amount 0
0/0 (0 left)


Seed Amount 0
Growth Time 0d0hr0m
0/0 (0 left)


Food Amount 0 0 (no burn)
Heat Needed 0 0 (no burn)
0/0 (0 left)
More features coming soon